Home Society With your own hands, interior decoration of the bathhouse with your own hands, including the finish of the bath inside with your own hands and the bathhouse interior decoration, as well as decoration of the bath with your own hands

With your own hands, interior decoration of the bathhouse with your own hands, including the finish of the bath inside with your own hands and the bathhouse interior decoration, as well as decoration of the bath with your own hands

by nevadacountynews

Many people who have their own cottage prefer to take a small corner for a real Russian bathhouse. A bathhouse is a place where people have really rested and relaxed since ancient times.

First you need to build a Russian bathhouse, and then dream of its use. To make the bathhouse look beautiful and elegant, you need to make a finish. This case can be entrusted, of course, to specialists and not worry about the result, but this decoration process can be done with your own hands. If you make the finish on your own, then you can embody your ideas into the dream.

Bath finish from the inside with your own hands

The decoration provides for the skin of walls, floor and ceiling, as well as the installation of equipment. Decoration is also the interior decoration process.

Most often, such a material as a tree is used when decorating.

The steam room is a room that requires good thermal insulation. The most important thing here is to equip shelves in a certain amount. Most decline trees are used for this. It is more profitable to use pine. When choosing the material, you need to pay attention to its appearance itself. It should not have various defects.

First you need to sheathe the upper part of the steam room with heaters. Mineral wool can be used as insulation. Vata is not afraid of water. Walls should have a large thickness compared to other rooms.

When insulations are installed, boards are applied to them and clogged.

Interior decoration of the bath with your own hands: Stages

The internal finish is divided into the following stages: heat – and waterproofing, installing the draft and finishing floor, the finish of the ceiling and walls, the installation of furniture.

It is also necessary to monitor fire safety and measures to prevent rot of wood. All this can be done using special solutions.

Black floor is an integral part of the finish. For its device, you will need an uncircumcised board. After installing the draft floor, it is necessary to lay the final floor.

The final floor is made from boards with cut ends. Between the draft and the final floor, the space is left so that the water does not accumulate.

If you need a more economical option, then you can take gratings and put them on top of the concrete floor. But the floor will turn out cold.

After the flooring, make the ceiling finish. Before proceeding with independent decoration, carefully read the composition of materials and other necessary characteristics.

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