Home Society Choosing anti -crisis material for construction

Choosing anti -crisis material for construction

by nevadacountynews

Recently, even our most wealthy fellow citizens began to approach the issue of their expenses more proud, which, of course, is associated with the consequences of the global economic crisis. In this regard, the construction of houses from a profiled timber, which, without exaggeration, can be called a real anti-crisis building material, because the ratio of the characteristics of the price-quality can be called, in this case, can be called close to ideal.

A lot of the choice of a profiled timber as the main material of the construction of a wooden house. However, nothing emphasizes the demand for this material as the regular construction of new structures, the basis of the design of which is a profiled timber. What caused such popularity? We will try to bring specific figures that will clearly demonstrate the advantages of a profiled timber.

The construction of houses implies the use of the following basic wood materials: a regular and gallant log, glued and profiled timber. A house built with the help of the last material in this list will require the least costs, for example, two to three times less than from glued beams. Profiled beam with a section of 200×145 mm has the characteristics of thermal insulation similar to a galinded log with a section of 320×340 mm. The construction of a house from a profiled timber with a section of 200×145 mm implies, subsequently, year -round accommodation in it, while a beam with a section of 145×145 mm is considered an ideal solution for the construction of baths, seasonal garden houses and various household buildings.

Houses from a profiled beam are collected many times faster than their log analogues, and, for this event, it will not be necessary to attract additional workforce, tools and construction machines. Thanks to its fairly easy weight, the profiled beam provides a minimum shrinkage of the finished structure, and it occurs evenly, t. To. The design of the beam is recorded using the Ship-Paz system.

Choosing the main “anti -crisis” building material, many specialists are united in the opinion that they can easily become a profiled timber. Relatively cheap, but with excellent characteristics, this material activated the construction of houses in Yaroslavl and its environs, because when erecting buildings from a profiled timber, the costs and time allotted for construction are significantly reduced, while high -quality, comfortable and durable residential buildings are designed for year -round year -old houses living in them a person.

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