Nowadays, the requirements for comfort are very large. This applies to everything that surrounds us: car, street, house, cottage, etc. D. We always want to feel comfort where we are. And this condition is especially related to rooms. We are talking about their homes and apartments. When we are in our home, we want to feel special comfort. After all, it is at home that we can leave and for a while distracted from all problems related to work, study, etc. D. And to create this special comfort, water floors were invented.
Water warm floors are a full -fledged heating system that was put forward in return for ordinary radiator heating. This method of heating the floor today has become very popular in all known construction sectors: residential premises, office buildings, cottages, and even for heating a country house, sports complexes, roads, etc. D.
The universality of water floors allows you to install the system as in ready -made houses and structures, so when building them. Water floors can be built into the autonomous heating system and to heat central.
Water warm floors found great popularity due to their following advantages:
Increased comfort;
Convenient operation.
The economy of water floors is achieved due to a decrease in the electrical consumption of the heating system. During the operation of the water floors, all the released heat is radiated more evenly. Which allows you to achieve, a decrease in the temperature of the coolant by several degrees. People of such a decrease will not notice the temperature, but the effect on electrical consumption will be visible. Savings will depend on the amount of reduced temperature, for example, a decrease in temperature by 2 ° C will lead to saving by 12%.
The comfort of using water floors. Comfort is reflected in many ways, for example, the same heat distribution can be brought. In addition to savings, this characteristic will allow you to feel heat throughout the floor area. Due to the fact that most of the heat is transmitted by means of radiation, the heat is perceived more comfortable. Or compared to the radiator heater, there are no extra devices, thereby freeing free space. Plus, the absence of air ionization can be attributed to everything, which can be attributed to positive characteristics.
You can speak and compare the positive features of water warm floors for a very long time, and you can enjoy the advantages even more.