Interior decoration of a bathhouse from foam blocks
Recently, the number of owners of personal plots has increased. That this is a tribute to fashion or care for your health and health of your loved ones? This is probably not so important. The main thing is that people began to turn to old customs, one of which is soaring in a Russian bathhouse.
What do not say, but the beneficial effect of steam and high temperature, which, in addition to pleasure helps a person to get rid of dirt and toxins, has long been proven by modern medicine. That is why almost every land plot can now meet the bathhouse.
Bath Bath finish
From ancient times, all baths were built from wood. The main thing for the bathhouse was the creation and maintenance of a constant high temperature inside it. Therefore, during its construction, a lot of attention was paid to its insulation and thermal insulation. Previously, materials made of wood, peat, reeds, as well as land were used for this. But progress does not stand still and recently there have appeared components that could be a replacement for the previous materials.
One of them is foam block. What is it? This is a mixture of concrete or cement mortar with sand and a special protein substance. This material when solidified forms a substance with a uniform distribution inside small air bubbles. This makes the foam block good and sound insulator, as well as quite lightweight in weight. In addition, foam blocks also have additional characteristics that distinguish it among other materials. For example, wood is easily lend itself to fire and rotting. But there is no foam block. Agree that in a bathhouse in which humidity and high temperatures are constantly present, it is better to have an additional source of reliability. All these factors make the interior decoration of the bath foam blocks very attractive. It is worth noting the minus of foam blocks – this material is not moisture -resistant, therefore it will need to be protected from moisture. Typically, for this, baths are plastered inside or use wood, or ceramic tiles.
But, if you decide to finish the bath inside foam blocks, it is worth remembering that you need to insulate not only its walls, but also the floor and ceiling. Indeed, during soaring, hot air rushes up and can find a way out through the ceiling, and penetrate cold air through the floor. This can lead to quick heat loss. Therefore, all seams, corners, cracks must be sealed with hermetically. After which the bathhouse will please you and your loved ones for many years.