Home Society Water heaters. Advantages and disadvantages

Water heaters. Advantages and disadvantages

by nevadacountynews

If the lack of hot water is not news for you, then it is time to choose a water heating device in the bathroom. Which one to choose?

Electric water heaters can be installed in apartments and private houses. Electric heaters are low -power and powerful, the first ones are allowed to be connected without the participation of an electrician, to connect to the power supply of the device more power than 5 kW, you need to invite a specialist. In this case, a separate wire is carried out from the shield, its own fuse is installed for the water heater.

If the house has gas, it is better to install a gas heater, since the main disadvantage of electrical devices is high energy consumption. Only a specialist should be connected to the pipeline pipe supplying gas and to the water supply system.

Electric water heaters are flowing and accumulative. The flowing water heater heats the water while it flows through the heat exchanger. In the accumulative (storage-maintenance) heating device, water from the water supply enters the drive tank, heats up to a certain temperature, is used by a person, while the tank is automatically filled with cold water.

When choosing water heaters for a summer cottage, calculate the water consumption. In storage water heaters, the water temperature is higher (up to 85 degrees), and several consumers can be connected to the tank, for example, the bathroom and the kitchen.

The time of heating of water in the accumulator depends on the volume of the tank. The heating heating element can completely heat in 25-40 minutes, you will need about 5-6 hours to get 200 liters of hot water. The disadvantages of the storage heating devices include the need for regular maintenance: cleaning the heater, replacing the anode, washing the tank inside. In addition, a high -power storage tank will not only provide water for the whole family, but also take some part of the free space in the bathroom – on the floor or wall.

Flotter electric water heaters are less, but they will not cope with the task of heating a lot of water so that it is enough to take a shower and, for example, simultaneous washing of the dishes. If you install powerful devices that will provide water in the right amount, electricity consumption grows significantly.

Summing up, we can say that the ideal device is a gas flow water heater. If it is not possible to install it, you need to come to terms with some disadvantages of electrical appliances, and choose the one that is optimally suitable for you.

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