Home Culture Feng Shui Fall for Home

Feng Shui Fall for Home

by nevadacountynews

A person in his own home seeks not only to make comfort, but also to fill in his essence, more specifically, to aim at something good. And therefore, some iconic signs can often be found in buildings, which are intended not only for aesthetic pleasure.

The new century is increasingly bringing the peoples closer, and the world learned about the philosophy of the East Feng Shui. According to her explanation, fountains and waterfalls mean wealth and luck. And do not many seek this? Feng Shui waterfall is considered a good sign due to the fact that the water is “a driving force that causes a stream of good signs.

Where to place a fountain?

Those who are strictly interested in Feng Shui with philosophy will very easily say to the question of where to install a waterfall or fountain. Any room has its own energy. And you can make a whole energy map in which five main components of Feng Shui will interact. Given this, to form with where to install a waterfall is very easy.

Fountains are not at all desirable to place to the south. This is the territory of reputation and glory, whose sign is the flame. Therefore, if you establish a waterfall where there is something fiery, an incident of energies will appear, and this good sign will work in damage.

The judgment is considered rash that fountains and waterfalls can be placed in the bedroom, supposedly water helps appease. In truth, from the point of view of Feng Shui, on the contrary, this can add a certain concern and anxiety to the bedroom.

Much attention should be paid to the modeling decorating the waterfall. Fountains with elephant figurines are quite popular, Feng Shui philosophy qualifies this as the best symbol. But if on the waterfall hemp or dry wood, then a great option to resist the acquisition.

The main thing: regardless of which fountain is mentioned, it is absolutely always necessary to look behind the volume of water, and also behind its quality. It needs to be constantly changed, because stagnant or (even worse) moldy water frankly badly affect the energy of the premises.

Tips for the selection of a fountain-waterfall.

If you really decided to purchase a waterfall, the case is left for the little:

The appearance of a mini-water supply is obliged to organize entirely. Try to ignore the unpleasant characters to you plus this subject; Shades and colors should please .

Give an advantage to the waterfall, in which the engine is working quietly.

No less important and practicality is. It is necessary to keep the reservoir clean, and this should not complicate you.

Very interesting: the presence of a waterfall in the house has a good influence not only in the hairdryer. This is also a practical excuse: water moisturizes the air, which is very important in winter when heating devices work.

Supporters of this philosophy know that water is related to finances. Many, therefore, acquire paintings or photographs depicting a water stream, for example, waterfalls. It is believed that if these signs are placed in the right direction, they are able to deliver not only luck, but also a significant profit. Well, for those who strive for wealth, you need to know that, as an option, you can place a waterfall in the corridor (namely in the corners), and not only in the house, but also in the office.

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