The cork is called the upper layer of the cork oak bark. Of course, a cork house is not a structure completely erected from a cork. . And the cork is the best material for wall and flooring. The cork coating is characterized by softness, environmental cleanliness and elasticity.
The cork is dense cells, in structure resembling bee honeycombs filled with air. . Among other things, they are still remarkably absorbing sounds. .
The main function of all known wall coatings is the decor. .
This coating does not absorb odors, does not attract soot and dust. Accordingly, it will serve both in the kitchen and in the dining room. Thanks to wax processing, the cork is allowed to undergo wet cleaning.
Cork materials can be used in combination with other materials, which makes them available to buyers with different income levels. They find their use everywhere. This is the best material for the bathroom or bathroom, hall and verandas, cabinet and bedroom. Such walls do not dive, they are always smooth and warm to the touch.
. Thanks to the unique natural strength, hundreds of people can walk along such floors daily, and they will still look like new.
. Thanks to the depreciation property, the floor always takes the original appearance. In addition, these high shock -absorbing properties are also a rest of the legs and unloading the spine.