Home Society Glass wallpaper – a new generation of finishing materials

Glass wallpaper – a new generation of finishing materials

by nevadacountynews

A huge variety of modern building materials allows you to equip almost any room without any problems, whether it be an apartment, cottage, office or trading floor. When a person thinks about repair, he most often distinguishes three main parts that require attention: walls, floor and ceiling. At the same time, the walls are in the first place, since it is they who play a central role in creating the interior. Wall decoration options exist a huge amount. Among them, a new material on the Russian market is gaining more and more popularity – fiberglass wallpaper. In Europe, they have been successful for a considerable time. Glass wallpaper consist of special glass. The initial materials are quartz sand, lime, soda and dolomite. First, soft and thin fibers are smelted from this mixture, which are then hidden in threads of different thicknesses. From the resulting threads, a canvas is poked, which has special properties that distinguish it from other wall coatings.

Glass wallpaper differ in a wide selection of various textures. They can be repainted up to twenty times, while the coating relief will be maintained. The painted walls are currently a popular trend in interior design, which makes the glass -wallpaper preferable to the greatest extent.

The advantages of this finishing material are not limited to the variety and capabilities. There are much more advantages.

Fiberglass wallpapers are durable material and have unique strength characteristics. The material can serve up to 30 years without losing its qualities. He is not afraid of chemical and mechanical influences.

The fiberglass canvas strengthens the wall and prevents the appearance of cracks, and also levels the surface in the presence of small potholes.

The glass wallpaper is easily washed, and if the pollution is indelible, then it can be painted over. They do not burn, which increases the fire safety of the room.

Another feature of glass wallpaper is their environmental safety. They do not distinguish any substances. The woven structure of the coating allows you to penetrate water vapors and air, which creates a favorable microclimate in the room. Using glass -flow wallpaper, you can not think about the damping of the walls and the appearance of the fungus, this will not happen, since the air is carried out – and the moisture exchange with the space of the room.

This finishing material does not accumulate static electricity, so the dust practically does not settle on it. This characteristic is important when arranging children’s rooms and premises for people suffering from allergies.

Another material made of fiberglass is glass chloride. Its other name is a web. Glass chlower is used to protect walls and ceiling from cracks. This material has no relief, but has high reinforcing properties. The fiberglass reinforcement prevents the appearance of cracks, and also levels the surface, makes many unevenness invisible.

Glass wallpaper and glasshold – the most modern finishing materials. They allow you to create stylish interiors with a high level of safety and comfort.

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