Home Society Choose a fireplace

Choose a fireplace

by nevadacountynews

The fireplace in the interior of the apartment or country house gives a special charm and comfort. But in order for the comfort that he has created, not to cost security, it is necessary to approach extremely responsibly to the choice and installation of the fireplace. Determined with the type of fireplace.

First of all, it is necessary to think about where the fireplace will be installed: in a country house or apartment, and most importantly, is there the possibility of arranging the foundation for it. If this possibility is absent, preference should be given to those types of fireplace that do not require the foundation, these are small fireplaces weighing up to 100 kg. If such a fireplace does not suit and want a classic stone fireplace, then you definitely need to pour a foundation under it, and not related to the rest of the foundation under the house.

The next moment that needs to be decised, this is what functions the fireplace will perform: decorative, only heating or still the possibility of cooking.

If only a decorative function – it is enough to install a low -power fireplace. But if it is planned to heat the room, then you need to calculate the necessary power (in the case of installation of an electric fireplace). The main parameter, which is taken into account when determining it, is the volume of the heated room. Knowing the volume and comparing the data from the technical passport of the fireplace. It should be borne in mind that, according to calculations in the middle lane of Russia, a 10 kW-a-sized fireplace can heat a room with a volume of 200-250 meters of cubic. It should also be taken into account whether the fireplace will be the only heat source and how insulated the room.

If the fireplace is planned to be used for cooking, you should pay attention to the so-called stoves-stone stoves with hobs. These models of fireplaces are not only practical and can save on energy, combining heating and cooking, but also very convenient during guests. Preparation, for example, meat on coals will give a special charm to your party.

We determine the material for the fireplace cladding.

The most common materials for facing fireplaces are cast iron, tile, talcoloride. Each of them has its own advantages. Briefly consider each of them:

• Cast iron. The main advantages of this material are very high strength, long service life and high heat transfer. So, the fireplaces lined with cast iron very quickly heat the room. This makes them indispensable for country houses and cottages. Even if the cottage did not heat up the week, the cast -iron fireplace will heat it within an hour.

• Tile. This material is more “noble”. A variety of colors offered by manufacturers give more scope for the fantasy of the designer. The tile also emits infrared heat, heating not only air, but also objects in the room, which creates a more comfortable atmosphere in the room.

• Talkhloride. This material is similar to tiles. It also has a heat -accumulating ability, allowing you to heat the air without overdrying, which in turn has a beneficial effect on the microclimate of the room, which is very important, especially if there are children or people suffering from respiratory diseases in the room.

Observing all the above recommendations, carefully considering all the nuances of the installation and expected operation of the fireplace, you can be sure that the installed fireplace will cause you only positive emotions, and not a headache and a sense of fear of a possible fire. It should not be frivolous and irresponsible. Remember that the safety of you and your loved ones depends directly on compliance with the rules of installation and operation of the fireplace, it does not matter, on wood fuel or electric.

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