Home News Independent installation of swing interior doors

Independent installation of swing interior doors

by nevadacountynews

Doors occupy a special place of our living space and perform both purely functional tasks and act as the main decoration of the interior. The doors having a swing structure are the most familiar and popular. Factors that determine the stability of the product and the duration of the service life directly depend not only on the quality of the material from which the door is made (wood, veneer, laminate), but also on the quality of the installation. Knowing the installation technology and given all the subtleties of the process, the swing door can be tried to install independently. If you broke the glass, then insert the glass into the interior door is also not difficult with a competent approach.

Starting to work, once again, more carefully, they make control measurements for compliance with the size of the box and opening. The door block should freely enter the space of the opening, with a small supply of foam. On the perimeter, if necessary, all the details that interfere with the free passage are removed: the influx of the solution, a sorcerer. If the opening is too wide, add a bar, more often use a metal profile. If the fundamental doorbox racks are too narrow, relative to the pie, then after installing the door, the decorative bar is attached, acting as a lateral platband.

After the preparatory stage is completed, they begin to assemble the door frame. All the necessary dimensions are depicted on the inside of the racks, otherwise the door leaf simply does not enter the box. The length of the vertical racks is calculated so that the free space for foam remains above the horizontal bar of the box. Do not forget to take into account the thickness of the flooring for the floor. After the measurements made, using self -tapping screws, connect the details of the box.

Subsequent actions – setting loops. The future direction of the door opened affects the choice of a vertical rack, right or left. If the door leaf has a lightweight design, then a distance of 20 cm from the highest point of the rack is taken for the mark of the upper canopy, and 35 cm from the floor. In order to avoid sagging a heavy structure of an array or door with a laminated coating, it is required to install a third additional canopy. So that the location of the loops coincides equally, both on the box and on the end of the door leaf, the latter is inserted into the box and the size is transferred. The recesses under the loops are made using a chisel having a pointed tip.

The door is collected, it remains to correctly mount it in the opening. For these purposes, a plumb line is needed, you can use the level. But, experienced craftsmen often do not trust the indications of the construction level, correctly believing that even the most insignificant deviation from the vertical leads to offensive shortcomings in the form of a constantly opening door. The rack on which the awnings are installed are thoroughly set, focusing on the vertical line of the plumb line, and fixed. With a parallel stand much easier. To install the guide, the door leaf serves, provided that there were no errors in the process of attaching the loops. If the canvas, being in a non -working, closed state, does not go beyond the boundaries of the box, then everything is done correctly. Fix the canvas so that it is completely in the box, foam and leave for a day.

An important point in the installation of the lock is to comply with the depth of the keyhole. This size is indicated in the instructions. The height of the location of the handle is a purely individual indicator. Someone takes into account the growth of the child, and someone attaches special importance to aesthetic aspects. In this case, observe the proportions and mount the lock at a distance equal to the height of the location of the switch, that is, 85-90 cm from the floor.

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