Home News Choosing a carpet on the floor

Choosing a carpet on the floor

by nevadacountynews

The carpet lying on the floor always gave the premises additional comfort, made it homely comfortable and friendly. When choosing a carpet, it is necessary to take into account the design of the room, the shape and color of the interior items and then it will perfectly complement the atmosphere of the room. In order not to get confused in the process of choice, we advise you to read our recommendations on how to choose a carpet on the floor. Before starting to study the drawing of the carpet, you must familiarize yourself with its composition. To do this, from the wrong side of the product we find the label and study it. The following options may be indicated there:

Due to their cheapness, polypropylene carpets are in high demand, but they have many disadvantages like constant electrification, moisture intolerance and sunlight that hit. Such products love to collect dust and are hardly cleaned with an ordinary vacuum cleaner. However, if there is a desire to save, you will have to get used to the data of negative effects. Such carpets usually have a service life of about 2 to 4 years.

A completely different price has coatings from the strongest kapron. The high cost is due to the use of latex glue, with which pile and synthetics are interconnected, which gives the product amazing strength and flexibility.

Knitwear carpets are more expensive, which can last about 10 years. During their manufacture, use the method of knitting pile and basics, when these operations occur at the same time, which gives the carpet durability.

The highest quality, environmentally friendly and expensive can be called wool carpets that can serve you for more than 50 years.

We select the carpet for the design of the room

The correct understanding of the process of choosing a coating on the floor will help to focus in the room on the desired element. Using the carpet, you can enhance the effect of the interior element or, on the contrary, try to hide it.

For example, it is recommended to lay a carpet of light material for the bedroom. For the nursery, you can choose a multi -colored product with a bright and noticeable pattern. Also, a carpet with a long pile will look amazing in the bedroom, spread out to the whole room, which will add intimacy and friendliness to the interior, and will also make a touch soft and pleasant. It is better to lay products with small pile in the living room and children’s room, since the use of these rooms involves constant cleaning of the carpet product.

How to choose a carpet on the floor of rooms of various areas

According to the criterion, carpet coatings can be divided into several types:

-Small mats;

-Medium carpets;

-Large carpets.

Small products will help to bring a certain liveliness to the design and diversify the interior. For example, they will look great near the fireplace, in front of the bed or chair, where they will form their own comfort zone. It’s nice when leaving the shower, the legs touch the soft rug, and do not find themselves on the cold and inaccurate tiles.

Medium carpets usually lay in small rooms and contribute to the creation of a recreation area in the design of the room. The interior of the room can completely form a large carpet. When choosing it, take into account the purpose, design and size of the room in which it will be.

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