If you think that the safety of relatives and the safety of property is above all that the high -quality door will not only protect you and your loved ones from the encroachments of the attackers, but will also please the guests about a hundred passing by their pleasant appearance, then you should think about buying an elite class door.
The word “elitism” means “chosenness”. Elite metal doors are the best doors for the best people. Unfortunately, modern society is still arranged in such a way that it preserved people who believe that they have the right to appropriate someone else’s property. Often the point is not even that they stole expensive things or caused damage to housing – in the end, everything that was once acquired can be made again. But sometimes from robbery, what has for the owners of a hacking apartment, it has some special value-things that, for example, are associated with personal experiences, memories. There are people for whom the very thought is simply unbearable that outsiders visited their apartment. Therefore, people with prosperity, position in society, prestigious work, etc. D., You have to defend yourself.
Elite doors are one of the methods of such protection. Thanks to a high -quality modern door, your housing can turn into a real fortress. In order to prevent attackers from entering your apartment, many specialists have worked on the door. The manufacture of an elite door begins with a deep study of safety problems. The scientific approach allows you to clearly classify the types of threats that the door is faced with, distribute them into groups and find a means to solve each group of problems.
Then, from theory, experts move to practice. For the manufacture of a modern elite door, advanced achievements of science and technology are used. High -strength steel goes on the door leaf. If desired, such a door can be made multilayer, it will not only stop the cracker, but also withstand the shot point blank and even to a certain extent resist the explosion.
There are other ways to protect. Electronic locks are installed on the elite door that cannot be conventional-the latest achievement of world scientific and technical thought. The eye with a wide viewing sector allows you to easily see what is happening on the landing without enduring.
But do not think that this door is just a metal plate that blocks the doorway. Metallic is the core of the door, the service of which is to become an indestructible barrier on the path of a robber. For friends, the door has a stylish design: the outer side is processed by MDF panels, the internal side with artificial skin. This design allows an elite metal door to look strictly and noble at the same time. Despite its considerable weight, it easily, without a creak, opens and closes, even children will cope with it.
Also subject to high -quality installation, an elite metal door provides a high level of thermal insulation, avoiding the drafts inside, and guarantees reliable protection against extraneous noise.
Solid metal door – a real business card of the hosts. You just have to look at her. How it is immediately becoming clear: behind this door, confident, knowing the price of people who are welcoming to guests live, but do not want to become a victim of lovers of easy profit.
The relatively high price of the elite door more than pays off its protective capabilities. Once having installed such a door in your house, you can then enjoy comfort and peace for a long time.