Home Economy Advantages of stretch ceilings

Advantages of stretch ceilings

by nevadacountynews

Repair of any scope, from a thorough capital to a small cosmetic one, often includes the procedure for repairing the ceiling. At the same time, any owner, regardless of well -being, certainly wants to find the material that would offer the most possible quality for the minimum possible money. At a rather moderate price, it is stretch ceilings that can provide the owners with the most optimal set of characteristics for any modern material.


As a result of the installation of suspended ceilings, the surface of the ceiling becomes perfectly smooth and even. In addition, suspended ceilings are not only perfectly smooth in themselves, but can also effectively mask the flaws of the main ceiling. A similar arrangement of a new canvas makes it possible to hide any additional communications, in addition, it improves the appearance of the rooms as a whole. Stretch ceilings, in general, are considered the most universal option for the designer. All kinds of variants of textures, shades and drawings allow you to realize even the most daring design projects, and therefore, buying suspended ceilings is quite reasonable and from an artistic point of view.


The thickness of the canvas of the stretch ceiling of a lot of buyers simply confuses, because at first it seems too small. However, fears are unfounded. Because the basis of the stretch ceiling is a hardy and strong film made of polyvinyl chloride, originally designed for high loads. In addition, the resistance and functionality of suspended ceilings has already been repeatedly checked by years of trouble -free operation in many houses.

Easy to care

Underwhelming in care is, undoubtedly, one of the main advantages of stretch ceilings. If you compare the stretch ceiling with drywall, then the superiority of the stretch ceilings is obvious – the stretch ceiling absolutely does not absorb moisture and dirt, therefore, it does not actually get dirty. For effective cleaning of the stretch ceiling, you do not need any special detergents or special efforts. To maintain the surface of the stretch ceiling in proper form, it is necessary to at least occasionally wipe dust, and with contamination, wipe with a damp rag. It turns out that stretch ceilings to buy very rationally if you do not want to mess with the departure of the ceilings.

Environmental safety

The vast majority of buyers relate to the environmental friendliness of stretch ceilings with a considerable degree of criticism. Indeed, in the understanding of most inhabitants, the film is nothing more than the most nightmare “synthetics”, certainly indescribably harmful to health. However, many forget that the same polyvinyl chloride has been used in the manufacture of PVC windows for more than one year, and for some reason it is not considered dangerous. They probably don’t seem harmful to you. Undoubtedly, polyvinyl chloride is not the most “useful” material, but definitely not the most harmful.

From all that has been said, it becomes obvious that the stretch ceilings at the moment have no competitors. Since most of their shortcomings are either unreasonable, or are fully covered with other advantages.

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