Home Food Types of building materials

Types of building materials

by nevadacountynews

To carry out any construction work at the facility, first of all, you need to have accurate information about what building materials you need. Not only the appearance, but also efficiency, safety, as well as the durability of the structure depends on the election and method of using building materials, the exact application of their technical qualities.

To carry out any construction work at the facility, first of all, you need to have accurate information about what building materials you need. Not only the appearance, but also efficiency, safety, as well as the durability of the structure depends on the election and method of using building materials, the exact application of their technical qualities.

Significant materials used in construction are, as a rule, stones and bricks. They will be needed in order to put the foundation, walls, as well as in as aggregates of concrete and different solutions. There are two types of stone building materials: natural local and unnatural.

Natural local stone building materials include gravel, laughter stone, gravel and sand.

A botum stone is slicing dolomite, limestone, sandstone and other breeds of natural stone. Bout is in the form of tiles or bedding.

Gravel is full -bodied stones.

Crushed stone is gained by grinding rocks. For the aggregate of concrete and solutions, it is better than gravel, since it has a more durable clutch with cement. The construction uses lake, river or alluvial sand of St. Petersburg, for batch of concrete and solutions. Before use, the sand must be washed and sifted in order to separate all impurities.

Unburser building materials include silicate, ceramic bricks, as well as stones.

Ceramic bricks and stones are obtained from clay, form clay, dried and then burned. Bricks of this type: single and thickened, full -bodied and hollow. The stones are only empty.

When establishing the quality of such bricks, you need to pay attention to its color and the sound that is emitted when applying a blow to it. High -quality brick is usually red and makes a pure sound, does not crumble when the hammer is hit or when it falls on a strong base.

Insufficient firing brick is determined by pale pink tone and deaf sound. Such a brick has insufficient strength and quickly absorbs moisture.

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