Home Culture Choosing a foundation for a log house or a garden house

Choosing a foundation for a log house or a garden house

by nevadacountynews

The foundation of any building should satisfy the following requirements: to have strength, stability to slipping and overturning; resist the effects of atmospheric phenomena, as well as ground and aggressive waters; must correspond to the longevity of the log house of the house itself; economical in manufacture.

If the soil freezes strongly, then you still need to put either a cable for heating the pipes, or (which will be even more convenient) just a warming cable. The foundations can be distinguished by the design: continuous, columnar, pile and strip. According to the manufacturing technology,: monolithic (made of reinforced concrete, button, concrete and bute), prefabricated (this type is based on blocks). The advantage of the block foundation over monolithic is that it is made with minimal physical costs. When choosing some kind, the type of future structure plays an important role (for example, a brick house, a wooden log house, a garden house, etc. p.), the weight of the structure, the type of soil and the pressure on it structure. The economic factor is of great importance. For example, for a frame house where there will be no basement, there will not need to make a continuous or strip foundation. The difference in labor intensity and cost between different species is very significant.

1) A columnar foundation is a type that was made using pillars in its corners and at the places of intersection of the walls of the future structure. This type of base will be more economical, but its use will be limited by the weight of the structure (such a basis for houses with a slight weight is suitable). The space between the pillars is filled with concrete or brick. The columnar version is possible if the soil is motionless and the basement is not provided in the future building.

2) strip, also very popular in the construction of private houses. This species is suitable for heavy houses, with concrete, brick walls. The foundation looks like a lane of reinforced concrete around the entire perimeter of the structure. When laying a strip foundation, you can plan both a basement and a garage.

3) monolithic will be magnificent if the construction of a light structure is planned, for example, from wood. This type should be chosen if the soil displacement occurs, t. To. monolith will ensure the constant position of the foundation slab.

4) the pile base of the house is suitable if it is planned to build a large structure or there is a possibility of soil instability. The basis of this species is piles made of wood or reinforced concrete. The load on each pile is from 2 to 5 tons. Balks are placed on the piles on top, which will serve as the basis for the building. This type is used quite rarely, this is due to large financial and physical costs.

5) The slab is a subspecies of the foundation from a monolith. Here, the base of the monolith can serve as a floor. The construction of such a basis is very costly, therefore, it is used to build small houses.

6) The floating type of the base of the building is erected in the area where the probability of soil deformation (abyss, bulk soil, the presence of groundwater) is high.

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