Home Sport Wastewater treatment systems in a private house

Wastewater treatment systems in a private house

by nevadacountynews

Those owners of private houses are deeply mistaken, who naively believe that the problem of wastewater treatment applies only to only owners of factories and processing complexes.

To date, wastewater cleaning is carried out in three ways: mechanical, biological and chemical, or combining these methods. Since the chemical method is more suitable for large production, due to the need for accurate compliance with the dosages of chemical reagents, in this article this method will not be considered.

With the mechanical method of cleaning, insoluble pollution of drains are subject to defending and filtration, but since organic substances present in wastewater remain unchanged, such cleaning is incomplete. Wastewater purified in this way does not correspond to sanitary and epidemiological standards, and this method can only be used as a preliminary step before biological cleaning.

During biological purification, biochemical destruction of organic substances occurs due to bacteria feeding on organic. The process of biochemical destruction can be natural or artificial. In the first case, we are talking about filtering fields, and in the second – about biofilters or special containers – air tanks. Thus, we have approached those wastewater treatment systems, which today are considered the most effective and are popular with owners of private houses. These are biological wastewater treatment systems.

These systems, in turn, are divided into anaerobic and aerobic. Anaerobic septic tanks for cottages are represented by such models as Green Rock, Favorite, Elgad, Uponor Sako and T. D. But since cleaning in them occurs without air access, they clean the drains only partially. In this case, their further biological cleaning in filtration devices is necessary, which entails an additional problem of creating such devices. In addition, to install such a septic tank, it is necessary to provide access roads, since the Assencing machine must periodically delete the sediment accumulating in the septic tank.

Whereas in aerobic stations, forced air supply is carried out, which provides favorable conditions for the life and activity of bacteria. Wastewater in such stations are cleaned by 98%, which allows you to discard them without fear of harm to the environment. Another advantage of these stations is that the spilled silt accumulates in small quantities and is not required to remove its assigned machine. The installation owner can easily cope with this task. On this principle, the treatment facilities Topas, Yubas, Unylos work.

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