Home Travel Repair in the children’s room. House for the baby

Repair in the children’s room. House for the baby

by nevadacountynews

It is no secret that the repair, the implementation of which occurs during pregnancy, is a very troublesome event that requires huge expenditures. However, in spite of everything, it is rarely possible to meet a family whose house did not have anything to do: re-raincoating the wallpaper, rearranging furniture, installing additional furniture intended for the child, the arrangement of his children’s room, etc. D.

It is impossible, of course, to argue with the fact that the birth of a child is the most anticipated event for the future mother, so she wants to make her in the house so that everything around shines with purity and freshness. However, it must be remembered that repairs for the future mother should only remain creative and did not take a lot of effort, so we need to limit ourselves to only those things that bring pleasure. For example, you can choose new wallpaper, coatings, plan all the necessary permutations.

All physical activity is possible only in extreme cases. You can not do too hard work, as this can cause serious health problems and even provoke premature birth. It is necessary to always remember your future baby and listen to him, because he does not want his mother to be bad for her to feel tired. After all, the child is getting tired with his mother. It must be remembered that fresh air is exactly what the child needs.

The most harmful factors, negatively affecting the well -being of the future mother, are the smells of repair: smells of paint and varnishes, glue, etc. D. Therefore, there are some tips to help get rid of such smells as quickly as possible. So, for example, you can quickly get rid of the smells of paint with the help of the garlic head, which is left in the room for a short period of time. Plates with salt, which are also placed in the corners of the room, help greatly.

As you know, during the repair, the smell of tobacco, which hired workers leave behind, cannot be avoided. It is sometimes very difficult to get rid of such a smell even with a draft. But there is one trick with which this task can still be solved. To do this, you need to open the windows, as well as hang wet towels in the rooms. Several lit candles also help in this case. Thus, you can completely remove this smell.

As you know, new flooring, linoleum emits a specific smell, which can also adversely affect well -being during pregnancy. Such linoleum must be washed with warm water, in which laundry soap is added. Such linoleum must be thoroughly washed off and wiped dry dry. The smell of a new parquet is removed, wiping it with a wet rag, which is wetted in cold water containing a small amount of glycerin.

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