Everyone who lives in a multi -storey building will say that sometimes he feels like a tenant of a “Soviet” communal apartment. Eternal family showdowns, children’s games, music and other extraneous sounds often cause increased emotional excitement and even nervous breakdowns ending with quarrels with neighbors. It is the noise that sometimes seems to be ubiquitous that is one of the global disadvantages of apartment buildings. Working at home, you can dress Berushi, but providing the baby with a sweet dream with a similar solution to the problem will not work. The most optimal answer to the question of what to do with noise is to arrange the soundproofing of the floor in the apartment.
Even in an apartment with such an arrangement without sound insulation, discomfort will be felt
The floor should be paid much attention, also due to the fact that inter-story ceilings have insufficient tightness, due to which sounds easily fall from one room to another. In addition, the sound insulation of the floor is one of the simplest procedures related to the repair of the apartment and the creation of additional comfort. Of course, there are a lot of noise insulation methods, and each of them has its own consumer. So that you can choose the most correct solution in each case, we offer a description of the most common technologies for performing noise insulation.
Theories repeatedly confirmed by practice
“Soft Paul” is one of the most primitive, but reliable ways to reduce the likelihood of noise penetration into the apartment through the floor. To implement such a method, linoleum is usually used on felt or foamed, as well as carpet. These materials quickly and very simply fit, have quite high noise -time properties, but have one serious drawback – fear of the situation with a high level of humidity.
Another of the most common methods of deprivation of the floor is the use of a noise -collar layer, on which the flooring is laid at the end. A substrate for a laminate or linoleum should have a porous structure, which will make it possible to self -board external sources of noise. In this case, materials are often used:
foamed polyethylene;
cork film;
fibrous roller substrates.
Important! With noise insulation of the floor in the apartment, materials that are used must necessarily have a high coefficient of sound absorption. The higher it is, the less the thickness of the substrate and the more efficient the created system will work. Also, do not forget about the accompanying properties of the material used: environmental friendliness, moisture resistance, low combustibility, etc. D. The more such properties, the better the noise puffing material.
Rolled noise -insulating substrate fits simply and quickly
An alternative to the two previous options is a “floating floor”. Similar noise insulation for the floor will solve the problem with impact exposure to noise. The uniqueness of this method lies in the fact that the insulating layer has no mechanical connection with the walls or inter -story ceilings. And this, in turn, allows you to isolate the apartment from external sounds by preventing vibration. It is due to this that effective sound insulation of the floor under the screed is ensured.
The materials used
Since there are a lot of options and methods of soundproofing, then the materials used, in connection with this no less, or even more. The Russian construction market offers the consumer a wide selection of materials as domestic and foreign production:
different types of mineral wool;
sound -cutting floor slabs;
mats based on basalt and fiberglass;
DVP and chipboard;
technical traffic jam;
expanded clay screening;
small -bed slag and others.
Mats from the Ministry of Walls are perfect on the wooden basis
By component composition, the above materials are divided into:
Mineral – expanded clay, cement solutions, mineral wool;
silicate – glass wool;
plastic (polymers) – polystyrene, isolators on a liquid polymer basis, reflectors;
wood – chipboard, sawdust, plywood.
Pay attention! The degree of reflection and absorption of sound are key indicators when choosing soundproofing building materials.
Keramzit – excellent noise – and heat insulator
In addition to the chemical composition, noise -absorbing substances are also divided by the degree of stiffness (hardness):
soft – felt, mineral wool, glass wool;
semi -hard – in production, mineral wool is used, which is based on a cellular structure;
solid – in the process of creation to the product add granular mineral wool, which includes granules of vermiculite and pelitis.
Interesting! Soundbreaks, those materials that are able to take noise are called, but not release it from the reverse side. The porous, fibrous or granular concept of such materials weakens any noise inside itself almost to zero. Sound -refracting, in turn, have a very dense structure (brick, concrete, stone, etc. D.) that does not allow foreign sounds to get into the room.
Floating floor: device and key points when creating
Many people believe that the sound insulation of the floor with their own hands is a rather laborious and difficult process, and they are right. But if you adhere to the basic technological rules, then this procedure can submit to even a novice “master-male”. It is important to understand that all the declared stages are subject to mandatory implementation.
Preparation of the surface layer
The base of the floating floor must be washed, dried and leveled to the level. The preparation stage is key and the effectiveness of the future noise insulator depends on it. The old flooring is required to be completely dismantled, and the base itself must be checked for the difference in heights and, if necessary, eliminate this defect using cement-sand mixture or self-leveling mixture.
Formwork device
To prevent the formation of acoustic bridges that reduce the effectiveness of the sound insulator, complete insulation of the flooring from partitions and walls is required. In this regard, it is necessary to equip temporary formwork of boards, plywood or hypocardone. The height of the formwork should be greater than the thickness of the future floating floor. After the screed dries, the formwork is removed, and soundproofing material is filled in its place or foam is filled. The noise insulator must be laid evenly so that there are no cracks, gaps, tubercles and hollows. Minimization of the waste of building materials, the laying process usually starts from the corner of the room. If necessary, the joints of the material used are glued or wiped with shavings.
Screed for noise insulation
Supplying the noise insulation substrate, it is necessary to lay a moisture -resistant oilcloth on it, the edges of which bend along the entire perimeter of the room and are attached to the formwork. There are lighthouses (any type) behind the oilcloth, on top of which a reinforced mesh is laid, which gives resistance to mechanical exposure and strength of the future screed.
Correctly stacked noise insulation looks like this
In order to avoid “fuss” with wet types of screed, there is a so -called dry look. For such a screed, all well -known sheet materials (OSB, drywall, plywood, etc. are used. D.) that simply lay on top of the noise insulator in two layers (to increase strength). Sheets are interconnected by glue or special grouting.
At the end of such events, the floor is putty and covered with waterproofing mastic by the type of walls. The final stroke is the installation of the finish flooring.