Many believe that the construction season is spring, summer and a little autumn.
And in the winter the construction not even remember. . Using this technology, the construction of the foundation can really be carried out even in the winter season. By and large, weather conditions are not even scary and not important. The whole procedure for laying a screw foundation in winter is characterized in that the upper frozen layer of earth simply opens, and piles are easily screwed into melt soil.
The main feature of the foundation on screw stilts is that it can be installed not only in any weather, but also on any relief and type of soil. Whether it is a descent or ditch. There are types of soils in which this technology is simply not replaced. The soil by its nature can move both horizontally and vertically. The so -called floating. When moving, the switches will move about the pile and bypass it, it will not take off the pile. How can this happen with a strip foundation. Such technologies were specially created for problem soils, reliefs. Therefore, its economic efficiency, on complex soils, is much higher than the traditional foundation.
However, on good ground, the savings are about 20-30%. As for the loads that the foundation should withstand, then here is our pile foundation at a height. When ordering these piles, professionals will calculate the amount you need, their diameter, and the depth of their installation. On average, one pile can withstand up to 30 tons of net weight.
What is a screw pile?
The screw pile used to build the foundation is a metal steel welded single -haired pipe, which is covered at one end. A special configuration blade has been welded from the other end of the pile, with the help of it, the piles are boiled into the ground. To protect against corrosion, pile is covered with a special composition based on epoxy resins and enamels. Similar resins and enamels are often used to paint the surface and underwater parts of ships.
The main advantages of the foundations on screw piles: the cost is the main advantage, the price of a pile foundation below the concrete price by 30-55%, fast installation on any soils is a long service life of at least 150 years when installing a pile foundation does not require excavation and participation of special equipment installation installation The pile foundation is produced at any time of the year and the weather is a large margin of safety of the piles: 3 – 20 tons of the foundation on screw stilts does not violate the integrity of soils and the general relief of the site, since there is no need to remove the soil at all.
After the construction of the pile foundation, you can proceed immediately to the construction of the house, there is no need to wait for the concrete to dry.